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In case you wish to customize the image, or perhaps check out a branch after being asked by a developer to do so, you can use the convenient script located in the root of the docker-pi-hole repository

Checking out the repository

In order to build the image locally, you will first need a copy of the repository on your computer. The following commands will clone the repository from Github and then put you into the directory

git clone
cd docker-pi-hole
git checkout development #NOTE: This step is only needed until V6 is released

All other commands following assume you have at least run the above steps.

Usage: ./ [-l] [-f <ftl_branch>] [-c <core_branch>] [-w <web_branch>] [-t <tag>] [use_cache]
  -f, --ftlbranch <branch>     Specify FTL branch (cannot be used in conjunction with -l)
  -c, --corebranch <branch>    Specify Core branch
  -w, --webbranch <branch>     Specify Web branch
  -p, --paddbranch <branch>    Specify PADD branch
  -t, --tag <tag>              Specify Docker image tag (default: pihole:local)
  -l, --local                  Use locally built FTL binary (requires src/pihole-FTL file)
  use_cache                    Enable caching (by default --no-cache is used)

If no options are specified, the following command will be executed:
  docker buildx build src/. --tag pihole:local --load --no-cache

Example uses of the script

Contributing to the development of docker-pi-hole

When contributing, it's always a good idea to test your changes before submitting a pull request. Simply running ./ will allow you to do so.

There is also ./, which can be used to verify the tests that are run on Github pass with your changes.

git checkout -b myNewFeatureBranch
#make some changes

As an alternative to pihole checkout

Occasionally you may need to try an alternative branch of one of the components (core,web,ftl). On bare metal you would run, for example, pihole checkout core branchName, however in the Docker image we have disabled this command as it can cause unpredictable results.


  • You have been asked by a developer to checkout the FTL branch new/Sensors. To do so
./ -f new/Sensors
  • There is new docker-specific work being carried out on the branch fix/logRotate that you wish to test
git checkout fix/logRotate

Using the built image

Unless otherwise named via the -t command, the script will build an image locally and tag it as pihole:local. You can reference this as a drop-in replacement for pihole/pihole:latest in your compose file or your run command:

    container_name: pihole
    image: pihole:local
docker run [options] pihole:local